Website Panasonic China di-hack dan dialihkan

Black Hat Hacker memang sering berbuat iseng terhadap seuatu sistem jaringan, seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh "Q-R3ST". Tidak segan-segan Q-R3ST menggojlok website Panasonic China, deface+redirect. Sebenarnya, Q-R3ST hanya melakukan scan dan penjebolan sistem server, kemudian menyisipkan redirect code pada source bukan mengalihkan bagian utama website

Setiap Black Hat Hacker atau sering disebut Cracker melakukan aksinya—attack, mereka memiliki tujuan, baik secara kelompok/group ataupun secara individu. Tujuan mereka bermacam-macam, yaitu melampiaskan kekesalan pada suatu sistem yang terlihat lemah, just happy, meningkatkan pemahaman "How the system work?", dan lain-lain.

Berikut pesan dari Q-R3ST terhadap Website Panasonic China:

  • Root@Q-R3ST Server : # QualityZ.iN Root'z
  • Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Black Hat'z akar
  • Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Vatan Team
  • Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Mail :

Berikut source code setelah address web dialihkan:
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<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><title>Hacked By Q-R3ST & Jet0N </title><LINK rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""> <style type="text/css">*,html,body,div,p,h2{padding: 0px;margin: 0px;}body{background-color: #000000;}#container{margin: 0 auto;width: 980px;padding-top: 40px;}#content-container{float: left;width: 980px;}#content{clear: left;float: left;width: 581px;padding: 20px 0 20px 0;margin: 0 0 0 30px;display: inline;color: #333;}#content h2 {font-family: Cambria;font-size: 180px;}#aside{float: right;width: 256px;padding: 0px;display: inline;background-image: url('');height: 200px;}.webmaster{float: right;font-family: Cambria;font-size: 30px;font-weight: bold;}.notes{padding-top: 90px;line-height: 1.3em;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-family: "Courier New";}.contact{padding-top: 30px;font-size: 18px;font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;font-weight: bold;color: #800000;}#music{padding: 60px 80px 0px 0px;float: right;clear: right;}</style></head><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/ TypingText = function(element, interval, cursor, finishedCallback) { if((typeof document.getElementById == "undefined") || (typeof element.innerHTML == "undefined")) { this.running = true; return; } this.element = element; this.finishedCallback = (finishedCallback ? finishedCallback : function() { return; }); this.interval = (typeof interval == "undefined" ? 100 : interval); this.origText = this.element.innerHTML; this.unparsedOrigText = this.origText; this.cursor = (cursor ? cursor : ""); this.currentText = ""; this.currentChar = 0; this.element.typingText = this; if( == "") = "typingtext" + TypingText.currentIndex++; TypingText.all.push(this); this.running = false; this.inTag = false; this.tagBuffer = ""; this.inHTMLEntity = false; this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "";}TypingText.all = new Array();TypingText.currentIndex = 0;TypingText.runAll = function() { for(var i = 0; i < TypingText.all.length; i++) TypingText.all[i].run();} = function() { if(this.running) return; if(typeof this.origText == "undefined") { setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + + "')", this.interval); return; } if(this.currentText == "") this.element.innerHTML = ""; if(this.currentChar < this.origText.length) { if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "<" && !this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer = "<"; this.inTag = true; this.currentChar++;; return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ">" && this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer += ">"; this.inTag = false; this.currentText += this.tagBuffer; this.currentChar++;; return; } else if(this.inTag) { this.tagBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); this.currentChar++;; return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == "&" && !this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer = "&"; this.inHTMLEntity = true; this.currentChar++;; return; } else if(this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar) == ";" && this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer += ";"; this.inHTMLEntity = false; this.currentText += this.HTMLEntityBuffer; this.currentChar++;; return; } else if(this.inHTMLEntity) { this.HTMLEntityBuffer += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); this.currentChar++;; return; } else { this.currentText += this.origText.charAt(this.currentChar); } this.element.innerHTML = this.currentText; this.element.innerHTML += (this.currentChar < this.origText.length - 1 ? (typeof this.cursor == "function" ? this.cursor(this.currentText) : this.cursor) : ""); this.currentChar++; setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + + "')", this.interval); } else { this.currentText = ""; this.currentChar = 0; this.running = false; this.finishedCallback(); }}/*]]>*/</script> <body>
<!--hacked by Q-R3ST -->
<p class="notes" align="center"><img src="" width="1000" height="600" border="0" /></p>
<body topmargin=9 leftmargin=11 marginheight=9 marginwidth=11 bgcolor=black text=red scroll=auto onLoad="typeout(); window.defaultStatus=''; return true" background="/file/pic/animated_60.gif">
<h4 align="center"> <font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="white" size="5"><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="#FF0000" size="5">Q</font><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" size="5">-</font><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="#FF0000" size="5">R3ST</font><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="#FF0000" size="5"> </font>| Ctrl </h4></font>

<!--<div id="404" align=center><font size=7 color="maroon">Siking you System></div>-->
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<!--an original script copyright (c) 2011 by Q-R3ST : Arzu S <3
runon = new Array

" <center><font color='#FF7F00' > Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Database connection <br> </center><br /> ",

" <center>Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Loading Connecting ...</center> <br />",

" <center>Root@Q-R3ST Server : # HI <br></center><br />",
" <center>Root@Q-R3ST Server : # System is under the control of Q-R3ST <br></center>",
" <center>Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Ustad JeT0N ^^</center> <br />",

" <center><font color='#7FFF00' >Server:Root@Q-R3ST Server : # System Ownzer Q-R3ST<br> </center>",

" <center><font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Hacked By Q-R3ST </center> ",

" <center><center><font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Kurt Gibi Sessiz Ve Ansizin</center>",

" <center> <font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Suskun # No Secürity <br></center> ",
" <center> <font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Ctrl # Gördünüz ve sustunuz </center>",
"%<a href='javascript:void(0)' onMouseover='flagged(\"%\"); window.status=defaultStatus; return true' style='text-decoration:none' hideFocus><center><font color='#33CC00'>No Security , Yes Black Hat . . . </font> </center></a>",
" <center><font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Q-R3ST Server : # QualityZ.iN Root'z </center> <br>",
" <center><font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Black Hat'z akar. </center> <br>",
" <center><font color='#FF7F00' >Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Vatan Team </center> <br>",
" <center><font color=#336666>Root@Q-R3ST Server : # Mail :<big><big></center><br>",
"&<big></big></big></font>"//kluge font

OP = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("pera") != -1)
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</SCRIPT></a></font><br /></strong><br /></p><script type="text/javascript" src=) != -1)?base :50
base = base + 200
setTimeout("typeout()", wait)
line = line+1

//document.onload = typeout();

Di dalam source code di atas, terdapat komentar Q-R3ST, System is under the control of Q-R3ST.

Demikian informasi ini, semoga kita lebih waspada terhadap serangan Black Hat Hacker dan selalu mengawasi serta rutin melakukan maintenance pada database system.
Disadur dari THN Reporter (

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