Trobosan Baru Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Kelangkaan Bahan Bakar Minyak

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Jerami Bio-Lonate : Optimalize Straw as Inovative Solution depend on Green Energy for Increase and Produce Alternative Energy and Renewable

Wira E.P.a , Robi A.A.b , Ferrianto D.K.W.Y.c
aFaculty of Science and Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Tel : (0341)554403
E-mail :
bFaculty of Informatics Engineer and Computer Science ,
University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Tel : (0341)577911
E-mail :
cFaculty of Veterinary,
University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Tel : (0341)573642E-mail :

Today, fuel is something important in the world, because in this modern era, human used much technology that need fuel for run. Up till now, the resources still from fuel oil,coals and other source that can not renewable and some day will annihilated. Because of that needed some inovation for make new resources especially in energy. Unimpossible for Indonesia, with optimalized natural resources can use it for produce bio-ethanol, one of inovation is make bio-ethanol from straw.

Bio-ethanol (C2H5OH) as know as fuel from plant and have characteristic like fuel oil that kind for nature, because free of contamination matter emission. Bio-ethanol produced from matter that contain carbohydrate through fermentation by addition some yeast and α-Amilase.

The materials that use for project are straw, yeast, α-Amilase and tools that use for project are UV Visible Spectophotometre, container, chemichal glass and straw kibbling. In Process make straw into bio-ethanol need some methods, there are; ectraction, fermentation, destilation and use UV Visible Spectophotometry analysis for screening bio-ethanol by qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Bio-ethanol is useful, bio-ethanol can use as fuel, solution, addition for cosmetics, a drink, phamacy, chemical industry and other product. With optimalized straw as a main material for make bio-ethanol be solution of future fuel that renewable and kind for nature.

Keywords : Bio-ethanol, fuel, green energy, straw, UV Visible Spectophotometry

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